So, be honest. Did you really run every street?

I’m going to come clean and say….yes! I really did. At first, I felt this real sense of accomplishment running the main roadways out to the county lines. And besides, those long black lines made my map look really good.

I feel comfortable saying that I ran at least 90% of every street. I know I can’t say 100%, but that was the goal. But I didn’t just put one foot down on a street and feel “done,” “got it” What’s the point of that? That’s no way to see or run the city.

To be honest, I loved finding those little, and I mean little, streets. I was never made unwelcome when I was poking around the Franklintown Road neighborhoods or small alley streets just off North Avenue. I do feel that’s the beauty of running.

It’s those small streets, in every neighborhood, that taught me about Baltimore. That’s where the real story was and my body, especially my legs (maybe not so much my toes) seemed willing to take me for long rides (runs, jogs) every day.

So here is a collection of selfies I’ve taken over the many months. Please trust me, I did run every street but I will accept that some may be skeptical. I’ll deal with it. But this project would not have been what is was, at least to me, if I didn’t.

If you have any running advice or questions regarding ANY street in Baltimore, please give me a moment to look at my map. Try to stump me, if you wish, but it’ll likely make me smile as I open up my memory and share my thoughts on… Normal Avenue, Tuxedo Street, Arunah Avenue, Nut Lane and so many more.

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