The Day After

So what happens the day after you complete a project like this? People ask you about your next project. As if there needs to be a next project or there had to be one. But I know they mean well.

I think it’s just fine to not have another project on the books. One year ago today, I never thought I’d be writing on a running blog right now. But will I be doing one year from now?

I will admit that I didn’t feel like doing anything today. I went to rehearsal this morning and a number of colleagues wanted to talk and congratulate. But in some way, I felt past it. They meant well but, with the way I’m wired, I moved on.

I think that’s because this whole experience has been very personal. It’s not that I don’t necessarily want to talk about it, I just have trouble remembering details or putting some memories to words. That’s why this blog is helpful. It’s probably the main reason I’ve kept it up. It’s my notebook or diary.

One thing I did do today is return to an intersection that I ran months ago. I just never noticed the street names. But I had to wait for this project to end before I could return. (Just so you know, every photo on this blog was taken when I was running, not out of a car window. If I missed something, tough. Move on.)

To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I’d go for run today. It would mark the 4908th consecutive day and if there ever was a day to take off, today was it. Well earned.

So I went for a run. A local run. To Patterson Park and the area. 40 minutes. It felt normal, and light duty.

It’s surprising how easily I slipped back into my old routine. But this is the one thing I did notice during today’s day after run. I was no longer looking around and taking in all of the unfamiliar sights. Instead, I was spending time with myself, thinking, thinking about the day, thinking about tomorrow. I was back to work and it felt normal. And a little easier on my feet.

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