I won big.

I always hated the expression, “You are all winners.” It was such a popular comment before the fourth runner-up was announced at most state and local beauty (scholarship) pageants. You knew damn (darn) well that within three minutes that fourth runner up didn’t feel like a winner.

As I’ve said over and over again, I never set out to win anything. I wasn’t trying to beat any record or change the world. I was just this (almost) 60 year old guy going on some daily sightseeing trip that involved his feet, running the length of every street in Baltimore city.

Whenever I need shoes, I go to Charm City Run, usually in Fell’s Point or Timonium. The deal is I walk in, I’m greeted, and I always glumly say, “Brooks Beast, size 12 please.” There is no trying on of other colors and brands. I do what my podiatrist, John Senatore, says, “Brooks Beast, size 12 please.”

That’s my shoe, and that’s where I get them. Why? I know there’s loyalty involved but when I want a shoe, I want it right now. I like going to a local business and I love when my $25 repeat customer discount appears on the receipt.

But, in regard to this project, I remember when the top of my foot was getting sore. Something had to be gravely wrong. Why else would my foot hurt after running only 7-8 miles every day? It made no sense…

I saw the podiatrist who said I could try a Hoka model. (I just looked up how to spell Hoka.) The Homs felt nice, at first. Then the toes felt pinched, and over the next several days they felt really pinched.

After running for over 2 weeks on this Hoka model, which was not meant for me, I returned to the Fell’s Point store. Charm City Run has two-week return policy. I was a little past that deadline but I thought I’d ask. I really didn’t want to buy another pair but I get it if the answer was ‘sorry.’ I left a few minutes later and a satisfied customer, happily carrying my Brooks Beast, size 12, please.

About 6 months into the project, I went to the Timonium store to buy… Brooks Beast, size 12, please. After I paid for the shoes, I decided to tell the salesperson that I was that person who had been in the news, running every street. I wasn’t looking for applause, balloons, or anything. I just wanted to tell them that they were my source, they kept me going.

And then I developed a nice relationship with Charm City Run. A relationship that was built on support. When my project ended, I felt a little lost and depressed. I had some back and forth messages with the store leadership and it helped tremendously. What I was feeling was not unusual, just keep going…

On Thursday, I was asked to come to the Fell’s Point store. Charm City Run and Brooks had something for me. And as I’ve said, I wasn’t looking for anything. I just enjoyed the hell (heck) out of the project and I missed it.

But it was great to meet the faces behind Charm City Run. I did have that feeling that there may be a free pair of shoes in the works. (There was.) But Lauren handed me something first, from Brooks.

Lo and behold, a gift like no other. A bronze Brooks Beast shoe with a note of congratulations. I felt taken aback. I never could’ve guessed. It was the most wonderful and hysterical gift. How thoughtful. That made me smile. And with a free pair of shoes, and a bronze Brooks Beast, I did feel like a winner.

I am not a paid spokesperson. (I’m barely an athlete.) But Charm City Run and Brooks Beast work for me. They will always keep me going.

I always run alone, it’s my personal time, at my pace. But yesterday, I felt like I was part of a community. A large supportive community. And I can’t thank them enough for making me good. My whole project made me feel great. (I miss it so much.) But I certainly felt like part of a winning combination yesterday, and it really felt nice.

Check out Charm City Run at http://www.charmcityrun.com

Check out Brooks at http://www.brooksrunning.com

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